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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Irene Genovese, the Traveler from Italy

Irene Genovese, right, with her friend Andrea Del Corona, at the Kumbh Mela.Courtesy of Raksha Kumar Irene Genovese, right, with her friend Andrea Del Corona, at the Kumbh Mela.

Why do millions of people, from entire Indian villages to urbane middle managers to foreign tourists, brave the crowds at the Kumbh Mela During this year’s 55-day pilgrimage, to Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, an estimated 100 million Hindus and others are expected to take a holy dip in the Ganges River to wash away their sins. India Ink interviewed some of them.

Irene Genovese, 55, a traveler from Tuscany, Italy,  was one among them. This is what she had to say.


Why did you come to the Kumbh Mela this year Is it your first timeA.

Yes, it is my first time. I love the experience so far. My partner has been teaching yoga in Italy for about 40 years now, so he wanted to come down here and meet the sadhus who practice yoga regularly.


How have you found it so far


I am overwhelmed by the number of people there are here! We knew there would be crowds, but didn’t expect this. These are unbelievable numbers. We have also liked the interactions with the sadhus. We live in the Hare Krishna tent so get to interact a lot more with the devotees.


Describe your journey to the Kumbh. Did you travel alone How long did it take


We took a stopover in Delhi before coming here. Our Kumbh trip is for only four days. Now we are wondering how we would get back to Delhi. They say there are no last-minute reservations on trains.


Do you consider yourself a religious person


Yes, I am religious. But my partner is more religious than I. And I respect that.


Do you follow Indian politics Who do you think is going to win the 2014 election


I don’t follow Indian politics. I don’t follow politics at all.

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