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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Juror Says George Zimmerman ‘Got Away With Murder’

Juror B29 from the George Zimmerman trial, center, with her lawyer, David Chico, right, were interviewed on Donna Svennevik/ABC, via Associated Press Juror B29 from the George Zimmerman trial, center, with her lawyer, David Chico, right, were interviewed on “Good Morning America,” by Robin Roberts on Thursday.

A juror in the trial of George Zimmerman told ABC News that she believed Mr. Zimmerman “got away with murder” in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.

The juror, known as Juror B29, said that she and others on six-woman jury had no choice but to vote for an acquittal in the case because of Florida law and the evidence presented at the trial in Sanford, Fla. Mr. Zimmerman argued that he shot Mr. Martin, an unarmed teenager, in self-defense.

“You can’t put the man in jail even though in our hearts we felt he was guilty,” said the woman whose interview is scheduled to be broadcast on ABC’s “World News” on Thursday night and “Good Morning America” on Friday. “But we had to grab our hearts and put it aside and look at the evidence.”

The juror also said that she felt badly for the Martin family. About Mr. Zimmerman, she said, that “the law couldn’t prove it.”

“But you can’t get away from God,” she told Robin Roberts, anchor for “Good Morning America.” “And at the end of the day, he’s going to have a lot of questions and answers he has to deal with.”

The juror, whose full name has not been revealed by the court, did allow her face to be shown during the interview but withheld her name because of concerns for her safety, ABC News reported.

She is the second of six jurors to come forward. Offering a different perspective on the jury negotiations was Juror B37, who spoke to CNN’s Anderson Cooper, with her face hidden from the cameras.

In a lengthy interview, Juror B37 said she believed that Mr. Zimmerman was “justified” in the shooting of Mr. Martin. She said she believed the defense argument that, while Mr. Zimmerman should not have followed the teenager, he shot and killed Mr. Martin in self-defense.

Shortly after the interview was broadcast, four other jurors, as The Lede previously reported, distanced themselves from Juror B37, saying that her statements did not reflect their views.

It is not known if Juror B29 was among them, or if the remaining jurors share her perspective.

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