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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Human Rights Watch Shares Images of Razed Neighborhoods in Syria

One of the residential demolition videos used by Human Rights Watch for its report. Recorded by activists in Qaboun, Sept. 27, 2012.

The Syrian government has used explosives and bulldozers to demolish thousands of residential buildings to punish civilians in neighborhoods where the army has clashed with opposition fighters, Human Rights Watch said in a report on Thursday.

It used satellite imagery, statement from witnesses, and video and photographic evidence to document seven cases in which the government razed buildings between July 2012 and July 2013. Two of the neighborhoods are in Hama and five neighborhoods or areas are in and near Damascus.

The total building area demolished is equivalent to about 200 soccer fields. Many were apartment blocks, some as many as eight stories high, leading to the displacement of thousands of civilians, it said.

“Wiping entire neighborhoods off the map is not a legitimate tactic of war,” said Ole Solvang, emergencies researcher at Human Rights Watch. “These unlawful demolitions are the latest additions to a long list of crimes committed by the Syrian government.”

The rights group urged the United Nations Security Council to refer the case to the International Criminal Court. Excerpts said:

Government officials and pro-government media outlets have claimed that the demolitions were part of urban planning efforts or removal of illegally constructed buildings. However, the demolitions were supervised by military forces and often followed fighting in the areas between government and opposition forces. As far as Human Rights Watch has been able to determine, there have been no similar demolitions in areas that generally support the government, although many houses in those areas were also allegedly built without the necessary permits.

These circumstances, as well as witness statements and more candid statements by government officials reported in the media, indicate that the demolitions were related to the armed conflict and either served no necessary military purpose and appeared to intentionally punish the civilian population, or caused disproportionate harm to civilians in violation of the laws of war.

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