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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Modi Victory Speech Comes With Apology

Supporters of Bharatiya Janata Party celebrating in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, on Thursday.Divyakant Solanki/European Pressphoto AgencySupporters of Bharatiya Janata Party celebrating in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, on Thursday.

Addressing a large crowd of cheering supporters Thursday evening after the Bharatiya Janata Party won a decisive victory in the state elections in Gujarat, its polarizing leader Narendra Modi thanked the state's voters for coming out in large numbers, even as he appeared to address Indians all over the country.

“Whether they are in Assam or Kerala or Jammu and Kashmir,” Mr. Modi said, “this is a victory for all the people of this country who want development.”

Dressed in a saffron kurta, Mr. Modi, who has spoken largely in Gujarati throughout his campaign, chose to speak in Hindi, a sign many commentators say that his victory speech was intended not just for Gujaratis but a pan Indian audience.

While few had any doubt that the B.J.P. would return to power in Gujarat â€" the party won 115 of 182 constituencies â€" the margin of victory was being seen as a personal test for Mr. Modi, who is widely believed to have prime ministerial ambitions. His speech is being seen as an attempt to recast himself as a national leader capable of replicating Gujarat's development model across the country.

“In this country, there has been a belief that good economics is bad politics,” Mr. Modi said. “I am proud that voters of Gujarat have proved that growth and development can be successful election issues.”

“We want to do all the development for the betterment of masses,” he said. “My biggest dream is to serve my masses, my people. Now we have to fulfill your expectations.”

“We want to develop such kind of Gujarat which will help any part of the country which is in distress,” he said.

With dozens of cameras trained on him, Mr. Modi, who has long been the subject of intense media scrutiny, projected himself as a hard working leader focused on the politics of development, rather than communal politics or caste.

“I promise you that I will never be tired, I will never stop. I will fulfill all your dreams with all of my strength,” he said.

He is serving the country by serving Gujarat, he said. If a Gujarati farmer is doing well, for instance, he is feeding an Indian elsewhere who is in need of food, Mr Modi said. If a Gujarati doctor or hospital does a good job, he added, people from Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh will have a place to go to if they need medical care.

Mr. Modi repeatedly congratulated the people of Gujarat for showing the country that “pro-incumbency” could work. Mr. Modi will serve as Chief Minister for a fourth term. In a country where governments come for five years and are then quickly replaced by other governments, the people of Gujarat have shown “remarkable maturity,” he said.

“By bringing the same government back, the people are holding it accountable,” he said. “Political stability is important for good governance and development.”

While most expected his speech to focus on development, many were surprised by his somewhat conciliatory tone, as he apologized for any mistakes he may have made. “There may have been a time when I hurt someone or when I made a mistake,” Mr. Modi said. “Please forgive me.”

Lashing out at “political pundits” for what he characterized as a negative campaign against him, Mr. Modi congratulated his voters for drowning out all the commentary. He projected himself as a fighter, battling all odds, including a negative campaign by an “anti-Modi cohort.”

It is widely believed that Mr. Modi needs to repair his image if he is to succeed at the national level. At one point, his supporters chanted “Delhi Delhi,” referring to the chief minister's trip to the national capital. Mr. Modi promised to visit Delhi on Dec. 27, a loaded statement which was followed by chants of “PM, PM,” referring to Mr. Modi as Prime Minister.

In Gujarat, Mr. Modi's victory was celebrated on the streets with music, dance and fireworks. To these supporters, Mr. Modi promised “five more years of prosperity.”

“I promise you that I will never be tired, I will never stop,” Mr. Modi said. “I will fulfill all your dreams with all of my strength.”

“Today,” he said, “you have won me. In the coming five years I have to win you.”

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