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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Reactions to the Death of Hugo Chávez in Washington and Beyond

Not long after the death of Hugo Chávez was announced in Venezuela, a variety of major figures in American politics in Washington and beyond released statements offering their reactions. While his death was welcomed by some, others praised the Venezuelan leader for his efforts to help the poor.

Representative Ed Royce, the California Republican who is the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued one of the strongest statements against Mr. Chávez, condemning his lengthy term in Venezuela:

Hugo Chavez was a tyrant who forced the people of Venezuela to live in fear. His death dents the alliance of anti-U.S. leftist leaders in South America. Good riddance to this dictator.

President Obama’s statement on the death of Mr. Chávez avoided any directly positive or negative remarks, but focused instead on the Venezuelan people and their political futre:

At this challenging time of President Hugo Chavez’s passing, the United States reaffirms its support for the Venezuelan people and its interest in developing a constructive relationship with the Venezuelan government. As Venezuela begins a new chapter in its history, the United States remains committed to policies that promote democratic principles, the rule of law, and respect for human rights.

A statement from former President Jimmy Carter highlighted what he saw as positive elements of Mr. Chávez’s rule while also reflecting on some of the political conflict that occurred while he led Venezuela:

At the same time, we recognize the divisions created in the drive towards change in Venezuela and the need for national healing. We hope that as Venezuelans mourn the passing of President Chávez and recall his positive legacies â€" especially the gains made for the poo! r and vulnerable â€" the political leaders will move the country forward by building a new consensus that ensures equal opportunities for all Venezuelans to participate in every aspect of national life.

But one American politician offered praise for the Venezuelan leader outright. Representative José E. Serrano, a Democrat who represents the Bronx in New York City, initially offered this statement on Twitter:

Mr. Serrano added in a statement that the Venezulan leader “used his unique talents and gifts to try to lift up the people and the communities that reflected his impoverished roots,” including his district in the Bronx, which had received discounted fuel oil from Venezuela.

And at least one institution in Washington was ready to note the Venezuelan leader’s passing in a more traditional manner. The Organization of American States, headquartered just across the street from the White House, announced that it would fly its flags at half staff for Mr. Chávez.

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