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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Taboo on Speaking Ill of the Dead Widely Ignored Online After Thatcher’s Death

Video of hundreds celebrating the death of Margaret Thatcher in London on Monday.

Even in ancient Sparta, apparently, people had to be advised to resist the urge to speak ill of the dead. According to Diogenes Laertius, among the precepts held dear by Chilon of Sparta was, “of the dead, nothing but good” should be spoken.

Like some of Chilon’s other rules for how not to live â€" “Do not laugh at another’s misfortune,” “Let not your tongue outrun your thought,” and even “Gesticulation in speaking should be avoided as a mark of insanity” â€" the taboo on gloating over the death of one’s enemies seems to be losing hold in the era of social networks, where millions of half-formed impressions and knee-jerk reactions circulate around the globe within minutes of any major news event.

So, as The Independent reported from London this week, it was little surprise that about one third of the first 25,000 comments posted online following the death of Margaret Thatcher, the former prime minister who inspired an intensity of feeling in both her supporters and opponents rarely seen outside authoritarian states, were negative, according to the media monitoring firm Synthesio.

Among those stepping forward to bury Mrs. Thatcher not to praise her, were political opponents like George Galloway and Glenda Jackson, the filmmaker Ken Loach, the Irish Republican Gerry Adams, the editors of Glasgow’s Evening Times, the singers Billy Bragg, Morrissey and Antonio Lulic, the Elvis Costello fan behind the Web site, the 233,00 fans of that site on Facebook, and even Australia’s foreign minister.

Then on Wednesday came news of the apparent success of a Facebook campaign to send the song “Ding Dong, the Witch Is Dead” soaring up the British singles chart this week to celebrate the death of the country’s first female prime minister.

The song, from the soundtrack to “The Wizard of Oz,” entered the weekly chart at number 10, barely a day after Mrs. Thatcher’s death was first reported, just a few thousand sales short of the third spot. If the song is still in the Top 40 by Sunday, the BBC will be forced to decide whether to play it during the weekly broadcast of “The Official Chart Show” on the broadcaster’s main radio channel. The corporation, which has been deeply respectful of the former leader’s death, said in a statement on Wednesday that the chart show “is a historical and factual account of what the British public has been buying and we will make a decision about playing it when the final chart positions are clear.”

This was all in keeping with what one observer of social media predicted in a comic chart produced three months ago, as Mrs. Thatcher neared death.

As BBC News reported, a scan of social networks also revealed “lots of people who got angry at the people who were happy at the news.

“Show some respect,” tweeted one. “Celebrating someone’s death is a bit sick,” said another. “Today someone’s mum died,” was a third.

Not all of Mrs. Thatcher’s political enemies focused on hatred as she passed away. Several members of Parliament, like David Lammy of the opposition Labour Party, tried to strike a more respectful tone in their comments.

Among those who reacted to the outpouring of hate online and on the streets was Martin McGuinness, a former commander in the Irish Republican Army, who recoiled in horror after hundreds gathered in Belfast and Derry, honking horns and waving flags as if Ireland had won the World Cup.

Video said to show celebration in Belfast on Monday night, after the death of Margaret Thatcher.

Writing on Twitter, a former leader of the militant group that came close to assassinating Mrs. Thatcher and her whole cabinet in 1984 but later made peace, urged his followers to refrain from celebration.

Late Wednesday, Mr. McGuinness’s perspective was echoed by his colleague Mr. Adams, in an interview with Rodney Edwards of The Impartial Reporter, a Northern Irish weekly published in County Fermanagh, where. in 1981, Irish nationalist voters elected the I.R.A. prisoner Bobby Sands to represent them in the British Parliament just before his death from a hunger strike.

Speaking to Mr. Edwards, who made an advance copy of the interview available to The Lede, Mr. Adams said he stood by his initial comments criticizing Mrs. Thatcher for letting I.R.A. prisoners die from hunger strikes that year rather than granting them the status of political prisoners, but called it “demeaning to celebrate anyone’s death.”

“It isn’t up to me to forgive her for what she did to the prisoners; that’s up to them and their families.” he said. “I can forgive her, because I think we have to be about forgiveness. I can forgive her for anything that was done to me under her rule and I don’t have any problem with that â€" I actually believe in forgiveness. I just know as an individual; hatred or failure to forgive is most corrosive to the person involved as opposed to the perpetrator who mightn’t even be conscious of what you are thinking about him or her.”

He added: “We Irish are very forgiving people, we don’t speak ill of the dead.”

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