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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Conversation With: Asian Development Bank’s Chief Economist Changyong Rhee

Changyong Rhee.Courtesy of Asian Development Bank Changyong Rhee.

The Asian Development Bank concluded its 46th annual meeting in India this past weekend, where the group released a new report that highlights the failure of Asian countries to provide basic public services like clean water and education to their neediest citizens. 

The report, called the Empowerment and Public Service Delivery in Developing Asia and The Pacific, says that citizen’s empowerment and enhanced accountability can improve the delivery of public services.

The bank’s chief economist, Changyong Rhee, a South Korean national, who obtained his Ph.D in Economics from Harvard University, was the lead writer of the report. He is also an expert in debt management and fixed-income markets. He answered, via e-mail, India Ink’s questions on poverty reduction, delivery of services to poor people and new experiments in India.


How is India performing in delivery of public services to its citizens?


India not only continues to be one of the fastest-growing economies in the 
world since early 1990s, it has also successfully reduced poverty,
 considerably brought down illiteracy and significantly improved health 

However, publicly provided basic services such as health care, 
education, water and sanitation, and power have not improved at the same

 India has made enormous strides in expanding access to education in the
 past two decades. More children attend primary schools and those who
 attend spend more years in school. However, concerns remain about the
 quality of education, availability of text books, school infrastructure,
 and pupil-teacher ratios.

 With respect to health, fewer children die young and adults live longer.

However, India’s health services need strengthening. Inequality in access
 to health services persists. For example, only 52 percent of the poorest 20 percent of women
 in India have access to skilled health personnel during child delivery, compared to 96 percent of the richest 20 percent. 

Sanitation services are a particular concern.


Can you tell us about some good public service delivery changes introduced in India in the recent years?


India has been a good source of inspiring stories of improved public service delivery. Its Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (Education for All) as well as the Education Guarantee Act have had a very positive impact on expanding access to schooling, especially among girls and disadvantaged populations.

The National Rural Health Mission aims to do the same in health, but is too recent to evaluate.

 The National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme has been successful in providing employment security to the poor, especially during the lean agricultural season. The land records and registration project more popularly known as Bhoomi has made significant impacts in the lives of farmers. By making the delivery of certificates of land tenancy faster with the help of ICT [information and communications technology], millions of farmers have gained access to local bank’s 
crop loans to help improve their produce.


India spends a huge amount of money on benefits for poor people, so why is the number of poor not reducing quickly?


An important reason for the slow decline in poverty is that India’s economic growth has been much less employment-intensive relative to the growth of large-scale manufacturing employment seen historically in Korea, Thailand, China or Malaysia. That kind of employment growth can reduce poverty very quickly, as people move in large numbers from low-productivity jobs in agriculture to higher-productivity jobs in manufacturing.

India still has one of the largest informal sectors in the developing world; people may move from rural areas to urban areas, but they move into low-productivity jobs in the informal sector and remain mired in poverty.

Growth of high-end services like ICT and back-office work can’t really reduce poverty in a significant way.

 Secondly, the poor in India haven’t benefited as much as hoped from programs intended for them. Administrative inefficiencies and leakages mean that not enough of the intended benefits actually reach the poor. That is why the Aadhar program, whereby cash transfers will be directly paid to the poor via bio-metric identification, should improve the efficiency and 
targeting of poverty and social assistance programs (in part by cutting out
 the middlemen).


Which are the sectors where India needs serious service delivery changes?


Health, education, drinking water, and sanitation are all basic and essential services that are necessary for a good quality of life. Health is an important area where service delivery needs improvement, particularly in remote rural areas, lagging states, and cities facing a large influx of people. Another area in need of urgent attention is child nutrition. 

In education, there has been impressive expansion of schooling opportunities in the last two decades. However, the focus now needs to shift to quality. Education - both in schools and vocational training -needs to be prioritized so the workers of tomorrow can meet the needs of business and industry.


What is responsible for India’s poor public services? Is it lack of money or lack of policy or lack of implementation ?


Delivery of almost every service in India is extremely challenging because
 of the sheer size of the country and the vast and changing needs. Swift urbanization and migration to cities and towns in recent years, for example, has put huge stress on service delivery systems. While limited public resources are certainly one reason, it is by no means the only factor.

Better incentive systems are needed to enhance service providers’ accountability to clients. That is why empowering citizens and communities is important, so that they can demand the services they need.


To what extent is corruption responsible for poor services in India?


Certainly, corruption is one factor that is responsible for poor service delivery in India. However, it is more of a symptom of poor incentives and poor governance rather than a cause of poor service delivery. Lack of transparency and weak governance encourage corruption, rent seeking by public providers and misappropriation of public funds meant for service 

In some cases, private sector providers find it difficult to start a business, enforce a contract, get an electricity connection, and resolve insolvency. As citizens and communities get empowered, they can hold governments accountable, and this generally improves government functioning (reducing corruption and improving service delivery).


What are the future prospects for poverty eradication in India?


The long-term prospects look good, but there need to be changes in the way poverty reduction is practiced. Poverty is best tackled through inclusive growth.

This is especially important since it appears that India’s economic growth rates are probably unlikely to go back to the high levels at which they were in the late 2000s. Indian economic growth must become much more broad-based, less focused on a few high value-added but not employment-intensive industries, if it is to lift large numbers of people out of poverty.

Poverty reduction efforts need to be much better targeted to the genuinely poor, especially in terms of improving their human capital (viz., nutrition, health, and education).

The Aadhar program is a step in this direction.

(This interview has been lightly edited.)

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