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Monday, November 12, 2012

Gaudi\'s Casa Milà Gets Reprieve

BARCELONA- With the economic crisis roiling Europe, fears have been growing among cultural observers that cash-strapped countries like Greece, Spain and Italy could sell cultural treasures to avert financial insolvency. In Spain, these concerns were fanned in recent weeks after it emerged that Catalunya Caixa, a struggling savings bank that owns Antoni Gaudi's Barcelona masterpiece Casa Milà, could be forced to put the architectural jewel up for sale. There were even rumors that a Russian billionaire wanted to buy the building. But those fears have been allayed after the bank, which was nationalized as part of a government bailout, announced last week that it would set up a special foundation to administer Casa Milà and to assure that it will not go on the auction bloc. Catalan culture officials said the foundation would have a budget of about 35 million euros, a big chunk of that derived from ticket sales to Casa Milà, a popular tourist destination.

With its undu lating facade, cave-like balconies and colorful rooftop chimney park, Casa Milà - also known as “La Pedrera” (the Stone Quarry) - is one of the most imaginative houses in the history of architecture. A UNESCO heritage site, it is also a potent symbol of Catalonia and Spain. For many Spaniards, selling it would be equivalent to France selling the Eiffel Tower or New York selling the Statue of Liberty.

Crisis-hit countries across Europe have been considering selling off cultural icons to stay afloat. Italy recently announced plans to put 800 state-owned properties on the market. Mentioned among the possible buildings for sale is the 17th century Palazzo Barberini in Rome, which houses the national gallery of ancient art. Debt-choked Greece, meanwhile, has announced it will sell islands and historic real estate, including the Tatoi Palace, the former Greek royal family's estate at the foot of Mount Parnitha.

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