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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

IHT Quick Read: Nov. 13

NEWS Gen. John Allen, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, is under investigation for “inappropriate communication'' with Jill Kelley, who was seen as a rival for David H. Petraeus's attentions by Paula Broadwell, the woman who had an affair with Mr. Petraeus, officials said. Elisabeth Bumiller reports.

Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany sought to reassure Portuguese leaders on Monday that fiscal overhauls would be rewarded with long-term growth and stability. Melissa Eddy and Niki Kitsantonis report.

The European Commission said Monday that it would seek to delay a plan to charge foreign airlines for greenhouse gas emissions for one year. James Kanter reports from Brussels.

The cabinet of China has ordered that all major industrial projects must pass a “social risk assessment” before they begin, a move aimed at curtailing the large and increasingly violent environmental protests of the last year. Keith Bradsher reports from Beijing.

Betting its future on natural gas, Shell is building a giant vessel that will float over a gas field off the coast of Australia, housing a massive processing plant, so that the product can be transported just about anywhere. Stanley Reed reports.

EDUCATION The Emirates have long played a unique role in global recruitment because of a high proportion of foreign workers, and Europeans are increasingly joining the flow. Sara Hamdan reports from Dubai.

FASHION The painter Gustav Klimt is inspiring designers fascinated by the glint of his gilt. Suzy Menkes writes from London.

ARTS Herman Wouk, author of 1950s blockbusters like “The Caine Mutiny” and “Marjorie Morningstar,” returns with a novel made of text messages, e-mails and Skype transcripts. Brooks Barnes reports from Palm Springs, Calif.

SPORTS The National Football League is expanding into China, hoping to become one of the ten most popular sports in the world's most populous nation by the end of the decade. Jonathan Landreth reports from Beijing.

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