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Friday, November 9, 2012

IHT Quick Read: Nov. 9

NEWS The Syrian public is increasingly disgusted with the actions of some rebels, including poorly planned missions, senseless destruction, criminal behavior and the coldblooded killing of prisoners. Anne Bernard reports from Beirut.

The departing Chinese leader, Hu Jintao, has made it clear that he has little interest in the bold changes that many Chinese now see as long overdue. Ian Johnson and Keith Bradsher report from Beijing.

A large, high-tech Jewish history museum, personally championed by Vladimir V. Putin and underwritten by oligarchs, opened in Moscow on Thursday. Ellen Barry reports from Moscow.

The French and Belgian governments said on Thursday that they would inject an additional 5.5 billion euros into Dexia, in an acknowledgment that its finances had continued to deteriorate since the bank was first rescued in the 2008 financial crisis. David Jolly reports from Paris.

As the debate in Europe widens over the merits of female quotas on company boards, a parliamentary committee in Britain plans to stake out its position: not so fast. A report to be released Friday by a House of Lords committee concludes that such quotas would “generate negative perceptions amongst women and business leaders” while failing to address the “root causes” of inequality. Stephen Castle reports from London.

ARTS “Water Lilies,” a 1905 painting by Monet, went for $43.76 million at Christie's, but other works earned little enthusiasm during an auction of Impressionist and Modern art. Souren Melikian reports on the art auctions in New York.

Not so long ago there might not have been five countertenors in the world who could sing the demanding opera “Artaserse” as it would have been done in 18th-century Italy, possibly with castratos. Now five are assembled under one roof, with a live stream in the offing for Saturday. George Loomis on the opera in Nancy, France.

The latest James Bond movie finally op ened in American movie theaters Thursday, having already made a lap or two around the world. Jan Benzel writes on Rendezvous.

SPORTS Though all the top rugby countries will be in action against one another over the next few weeks, no one is a bigger prize than New Zealand. Emma Stoney writes from Wellington.

Celtic, celebrating 125 years as a soccer club, had one of its biggest victories ever when it beat Barcelona, 2-1, in the Champions League. Rob Hughes on soccer.

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