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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Detroit Symphony Riding to the Rescue at Carnegie Hall Spring Festival

It's another Detroit bailout, very loosely speaking, with Detroit doing the bailing out this time. The Detroit Symphony Orchestra has agreed to step in for the Oregon Symphony, which had to drop out of an orchestra festival next spring at Carnegie Hall because of financial problems. The weeklong festival, Spring for Music, showcases six orchestras that are required to bring offbeat and interesting programs.

The Detroit Symphony is already scheduled to play Ives's symphonies No. 1 through 4 on May 10. Now it will also take the place of Oregon the evening before, even adopting part of its program â€" the one-act opera “Seven Deadly Sins” by Kurt Weill, starring the performer Storm Large, and Ravel's “La Valse.” The Detroiters, led by their music director, Leonard Slatkin, will add Rachmaninoff's “Caprice bohémien” and “Isle of the Dead.”

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