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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Watch List: How Film Might Look After Google\'s Glass Goggles


For a preview of how we all may be making movies in a few years, take a look at “DVF Through Glass,” a short video made for, and partly shot by, the fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg. Other camera operators included employees of Ms. von Furstenberg's label, DVF, and models who walked in her recent Fashion Week show. All were wearing Google's futuristic Glass goggles, which come equipped with tiny cameras (as well as tiny computer monitors) and are poised to take us a big step closer to the cyborg age, once they become available to the public.

The video, above, is a bit dark at times, and bright light, on the runway or the sidewalk, appears to give the camera some problems. (You know right away that you're watching a fashion video when a disembodied voice, possibly a model's, says in lilting French, “What do you want? A smile?”) Otherwise it looks like any other fashion promo, or indie film. In this context, the camera isn't used to capture any images that we haven't seen before, though it's interesting to know that the runway shots were taken by the models themselves. The amateur footage was edited by Greenpoint Pictures. The Glass device records sound, but Ms. von Furstenberg's narration and the music, which constitute much of the soundtrack, were professionally recorded.

One of the Google founders, Sergey Brin, appears in the front row, and later taking a bow with the designer. In an image we may see a lot once Glass becomes available, the final shot shows what happens when you drop a pair of the goggles.

Glass may represent an incremental change over the cellphone camera (and with its science-fiction design, seen when Ms. von Furstenberg pointedly looks into mirrors several times in the video, it's not exactly inobtrusive). But it's easy to imagine a lot of people wanting one, and whole new server centers needing to be built to hold the video we'll all be shooting as we walk down the street.

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