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Thursday, August 30, 2012

GLAAD Gives Networks Passing Grade for TV Portrayals of Gays


Most of the broadcast networks are satisfactorily portraying gays and lesbians on television, a leading media advocacy group said in a report released on Thursday.

The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, in its annual check-up of sorts on the networks, found that gay characters “are increasingly presented as matter-of-fact manner rather than a curiosity” and lauded the CW in particular. But it also labeled one broadcaster, CBS, as “failing” and called for more ethnic and cultural diversity in the portrayals of gay characters.

The group has been critical of CBS shows in the past for having fewer gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender characters than the shows on other networks. Last year, citing progress, the group labeled CBS as “adequate,” but this year it was labeled “failing” once more. The grades by GLAAD are seen by some as a way to pressure the networks to be more inclusive. The cable chann el TBS was labeled “failing” for the fourth year in a row, as was the History channel, which was monitored by the group for the first time.

“Americans expect to see their off-screen worlds represented onscreen and today more than ever that includes LGBT people and families,” said Herndon Graddick, the president of the group, in a statement. “Storylines of families like Mitchell and Cameron on ‘Modern Family' and young people like Emily on ‘Pretty Little Liars' are not only growing acceptance of our community, but have found praise from viewers and critics alike at a time when visibility and acceptance of LGBT people is at an all-time high.”

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