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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New York Fringe Festival Report: \'Fantasy Artists\'


Reviews of shows from the New York International Fringe Festival will appear on ArtsBeat through the festival's close on Aug. 26. For more information, go to

James Ryan Caldwell knows how to write. All he needs now is to learn when to quit. At 90 minutes, his expertly acted comedy-drama “Fantasy Artists” is rather good. But you can't help thinking that at 75 minutes it would be even better.

In the story, Mare, a phone-sex operator who long ago lost her hands in an accident, begins to fall in love with Shorty, a caller who, coincidentally, she later meets through her hard-charging sister, Parry. The stoic and reclusive Mare is baffled by her own newfound emotions, which are also in violation of the rules she is teaching a new employee, Lorraine.

The play, at La MaMa, is perfectly geared to the Fringe - it's a bit strange, agreeably daffy and occasionally dark. Early on, the dialogue is zip py (Lorraine: “I was an actress in high school. I played the title role in ‘Our Town.' “ Mare: “You played the town?”) and the phone sex is steamy and mysterious. As it approaches its conclusion, however, some of the excitement can dissipate.

Still, the four actors, directed by Javierantonio Gonzalez, rarely strike a false note. As Mare, Mary Jane Gibson has an excellent deadpan, portraying a damaged woman with a hidden shred of hope. Watching her alternate between a smooth sex-talker and an angry soul is a treat. As Lorraine, Lauren Currie Lewis is equally talented, while Meredith Holzman, as Parry, and Miguel Govea, as Shorty, are pitch-perfect in supporting roles.

Though “Fantasy Artists” runs a little longer than it should, that doesn't negate its early and middle pleasures. Some of the late missteps seem to be the result of taking chances that didn't quite pan out. But that's more admirable than not taking them at all.

“Fantasy Artistsâ € continues through Friday at La MaMa, 74A East Fourth Street, East Village; (866) 468-7619.

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