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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New York Fringe Festival Report: \'American Midget\'


Reviews of shows from the New York International Fringe Festival will appear on ArtsBeat through the festival's close on Aug. 26. For more information, go to

Keep your eyes and ears open for any sign of Mr. Much. Thanks to Trembling Stage's cheerfully absurdist satire “American Midget,” we know he wears a top hat, tails and bright red socks. And the things he tells you, vicious things meant to destroy your self-esteem, are lies.

If anyone knows the awful power of Mr. Much (Aaron Bartz), it is Albert (Jared Van Heel). We see Albert as a young boy discovering his love for art and having his spirit crushed by his mother, who complains that there is no sky in the picture he has drawn. We see him at 13 when neither basketball team captain wants him on their side. And at 17 when girls reject him.

As a responsible adult, Albert seeks psychiatric help. But Dr. Kalamazoo (Doug Paulson) confirms his worst fears. “Yes, you are a midget,” he says. And he informs Albert: “It's been genetically proven that midgets can't paint. Their hands are too small.” Attending art school anyway, Albert finds a teacher (Nicol Cole) who instructs her class to make work suitable for aliens. When will our hero recognize that he is surrounded by idiots?

Albert (like Mr. Van Heel) is actually a man of normal height, which makes “American Midget,” written by Jonathan Yukich and directed by Noah Tuleja, an allegory. But one in which God and the devil are on the same side, reveling in their ability to control humanity.

A deity known as the Voice (John Bergdahl) keeps putting Albert down, but the play also gives today's atheists and agnostics a devil incarnate to believe in and battle. Or, if we're just feeling lazy, someone to blame.

The message of this little psychological gem, conveyed by a cast that can play comedy all the way to pathos and back, is both pessimistic a nd spirit-affirming. The love of a good woman (Maria Giarrizzo) may help Albert learn who he really is, but Mr. Much hasn't gone anywhere, and he doesn't like happy endings.

“American Midget” continues through Friday at the Connelly Theater, 220 East Fourth Street, East Village; (866) 468-7619.

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