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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Watching the Convention From the Peanut Gallery


If Chris Christie ever runs for president, America will continue to lead the world in fat jokes. That is abundantly clear to anyone who was paying close attention to the vast peanut gallery that is Twitter last night. Comedians, who have embraced the form as much as any other artist, were hard at work reacting to the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., especially the major speeches of Mr. Christie, the New Jersey governor, and Ann Romney, wife of the G.O.P. nominee, Mitt Romney. Relying on Witstream, a Web site that collects tweets from the comedy world, as well as some searching, I hereby offer a few of the best jokes suitable for a family newspaper.

Ann Romney kept saying how funny Mitt is.Only his earlier films.

- Albert Brooks (@AlbertBrooks) August 29, 2012



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