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Friday, August 10, 2012

Book Review Podcast: Rachel Cusk\'s Divorce Memoir


In the New York Times Book Review, Emma Gilbey Keller reviews Rachel Cusk's “Aftermath,” a memoir about Ms. Cusk's separation and divorce from her husband. Ms. Cusk is also an acclaimed novelist, but is perhaps best known for an earlier memoir, “A Life's Work,” which dealt very candidly with her conflicted feelings upon becoming a mother. Ms. Keller writes:

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In “Aftermath,” Cusk goes easy on the details of the actual separation. “My husband believed that I had treated him monstrously,” she confides. But she doesn't say why. “This belief of his couldn't be shaken: his whole world depended on it. It was his story, and lately I have come to hate stories.”

The lack of detail is the book's most glaring omission. How can you write a memoir about di vorce without saying what caused it? Without owning up to or trying to come to terms with one's role in it? “Monstrously” is a powerful word. Cusk may hate stories, but inevitably her readers will want to know: What's the story?

On this week's podcast, Ms. Keller talks about “Aftermath”; Julie Bosman has notes from the field; Tyler Cowen discusses Joseph E. Stiglitz's new book about income inequality; and Gregory Cowles has best-seller news. Sam Tanenhaus is the host.

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